What Does Breastfeeding Truly Mean To Me?

To close out Black Breastfeeding Week, I wanted to talk about what breastfeeding means to me.

Maybe too much.

No, it doesn’t.

I will say, when I first became pregnant, I didn’t think anything of breastfeeding, I just knew I’d try it. (hear more of my thoughts on the Natural Parenting Talk with Lauren & Keema). I vividly remember getting 2 full cans of formula and immediately throwing them away. I was offended, how could you send me this before I even had a chance to breastfeed, after all, shouldn’t we a least try the breast first?


From the moment I laid eyes on my daughter, I wanted to nurture her, I wanted to show her unconditional love, and I wanted her to know she is secure.

Breastfeeding is more than just me, it’s a movement that is under attack in our country by our own government and I won’t stand for it. This is one of the most natural, maternal, and primal things I’ve done. I am thankful to have been born into a family that also breastfed. While my mom was only able to breastfeed me for 2 months due to my lip and tongue tie, she did the best she could and I love and thank her for that.

I firmly believe I was able to show her these things by breastfeeding.

There are so many benefits of breastfeeding, I can’t get into all of them, but I have felt truly honored that our breastfeeding journey has continued now for 10+ months with no signs of stopping. I am blessed that my pediatrician supports long term breastfeeding. She gave me my first goal, which is April 2019, when baby girl would be 18 months. Do I plan on stopping then? Who knows. Probably not. The bond I have with my daughter is unimaginable, and it feels so right.

But breastfeeding to me is one of the most feminine things I could ever do. I feel so fulfilled and excited each time my daughter latches. I love when she crawls up to me and asks to be fed, I love that when she’s scared, sick, in pain, upset, she runs to be comforted. I’m not a pacifier, I am a mother comforting my daughter. I won’t believe the lies society puts out there about my breast. They are life giving, they are high quality, I make something JUST for my daughter. My milk can never be equated to a can. Formula can’t formulate what I make.

As a black woman, I will not let them win. I will show them my body is and has always been capable of more than the limitations they set out. Satan, get behind thee, because I am destined for greatness.

So, what does it mean to me?

Love. Kindness. Affection. Attention. Strength. Sleep. Peace. Comfort. Care. Warmth.

I am so honored to be in this space and I pray all women can enter this space with their precious ones.

Be good nah, you hear?



I AM NOT shaming formula moms. I love you ladies dearly, and I know you personally.  I’ve heard you stories, and I believe you did what was best for you with what you knew. If you’re upset by what I’ve said, let’s talk.